I’ve now been in my house for almost three months, so I figured it was time I did another update on what I’ve been up to since I posted my first little tour.

Now I’ll be honest, I haven’t made as much progress as I wanted to have made at this point, but I’ve also been traveling a LOT this past month and a half so I’m trying to be fair to myself. I am really pleased that I finished (mostly) one of the projects that was on the top of my list, and that is painting and organizing my attic studio:

I’m actually painting all the interior walls white, which I’ll admit sounds boring at first. But here’s my reasoning: (1) I love having light, airy interiors and white is the best color for that, (2) white speaks to the fact that my house is just a simple (but beautiful) farmhouse, and (3) I have a lot of cool things I’ve collected from my travels and I felt like white was the best color to help those really stand out.

(I’ve also started painting the downstairs living room, but I’ve only managed to get about a third of the room done, so that will probably be on the next house update.)

Other than painting, I also found and rehabbed some kitchen cabinets to use as storage in my studio. I painted them a soft grey, again to keep things simple and light. It’s crazy, though, how just three cabinets can take your room from a crazy mess to an organized studio. See what I mean?

I’ve also been working on a few little things here and there, slowly getting random corners decorated, spaces refreshed, and things hung. I hung a set of linen curtains behind my bed to help disguise the fact that my bed had to be awkwardly positioned in front of a window.  (Score of the century when I found these Restoration Hardware curtains for $25 at my favorite thrift store in Boston!)

I also made a trip to IKEA at the end of January, and I bought some new pillows for the couch downstairs and new bedding for my bed. These aren’t huge changes, but it does make everything seem a bit more cozy and relaxing!

Finally, I’ve actually started hanging artwork! I still have piles and stacks of artwork all over the house waiting to be hung (or to be framed and then hung), but it’s a start!

And that’s it for this update! Not a ton of huge changes (other than my studio), but I’ve absolutely loved slowly making this place more and more my own space.


P.S. An update on the name for my house: I still haven’t decided on anything yet. I do know that the name has to be very symbolic of who I am and what this house means to me so until I can find that, I’ll keep thinking! But I will of course update you when I do finally settle on something!