The 2021 Recap

As I’m sure you can relate, I typically forget just how many things happened over the last year. So while it might be a little difficult to actually remember what happened, I do enjoy writing these yearly recaps because it gives me a chance to go look back through everything I’ve done and remember that I actually have accomplished a lot this year! And to recognize that I have a lot to be proud of!   January   The biggest thing that happened in January was announcing that Kristina and I would be doing another book soundtrack for the Green [...]

By |2022-01-06T17:12:34-05:00January 6th, 2022|Personal Thoughts|0 Comments

On Turning 30 and Reflecting on the Last Ten Years

Usually when I write my birthday blog post each year, I share a list of things I’ve learned over the past twelve months. And while I do enjoy that sort of post, I felt that this year needed to be something different. It’s the start of a lot of new things this year: a new decade, a new life with Hokino, and new job opportunities. As I look ahead at this next decade of life, I wanted to also look back at the last ten years and consider all of the events that have helped me become who I am [...]

By |2020-07-06T11:40:26-04:00July 6th, 2020|Personal Thoughts|0 Comments

How I Learned Being Lazy Can Be a Good Thing

Hokino and I have now been dating for an entire year, which (fun fact) is the longest I’ve ever dated anyone. But without getting sappy, the reason I’m telling you this is because I wanted to share something I have learned from dating Hoki that has played a large role in why, despite having a lot to stress about lately, life has still been pretty great. So I’m going to start this blog post off with a story:   When Hoki and I first started dating, I was absolutely flabbergasted that he could spend an entire weekend in bed, either [...]

By |2020-01-30T11:41:33-05:00January 30th, 2020|Personal Thoughts|0 Comments

My Plans for 2020

We all know I’m obsessed with goals and planning. As you’ve witnessed, I’ve waxed eloquent on my love for spreadsheets many, many times. So what I’m going to write next might come as a surprise:   I don’t have goals for this year.   In fact there are only three things I am planning on working on this year, and none of those have any specific deadlines or checklists associated with them. Crazy for me, but I really do believe this is the right perspective I need to have this year. So what are those three things? They are Passages, [...]

By |2020-01-15T17:16:54-05:00January 15th, 2020|Personal Thoughts|0 Comments

Looking Back at a Solidly Excellent 2019

“2018 was a year of change after several years of NO CHANGE, so I'd say that alone made it a successful year. With a new house, who knows what 2019 will bring (hopefully only good things...)!” - from my 2018 Facebook recap This year may not have brought ONLY good things, but I’m still not sure how to adequately describe how much the good outweighed the bad in 2019. I suppose a good start would be to say that the last twelve months made up a solidly wonderful year. In December of 2018, I can clearly remember hoping: This [...]

By |2020-01-02T11:30:06-05:00January 2nd, 2020|Behind the Scenes, Personal Thoughts|4 Comments

Life in Arkansas Compared to Boston

There is a dirt road into town that I often drive down. I think most sane people avoid this road in favor of the paved route (for obvious reasons), but I don't. Part of it is because the paved route isn't as pretty... but the other part is because, if I’m being completely honest, the dirt road is actually a lot quicker.     There is, of course, a reason for why I’m sharing the details of my daily commute, since I’m sure you didn’t hop on the internet today in hopes of finding what sort of road conditions are [...]

By |2019-09-25T11:53:17-04:00September 25th, 2019|Personal Thoughts|0 Comments

A Lesson on Taking a Break and Forgiving Myself

Having only been in my house eight months now, each new season has been absolutely delightful to experience. I’ve found myself wanting to document each time of year meticulously with the perfect photograph. So when someone came half-way through spring and mowed down all the beautiful Queen Anne’s Lace that had begun dotting the field across from my house (ruining any chances of my capturing how beautiful it had been), I was upset.   And for some strange reason… I found that I was also really angry. At myself.     I was in the middle of designing what was [...]

By |2019-08-28T11:24:53-04:00September 3rd, 2019|Personal Thoughts|0 Comments

Time for Change

I’ve been taking a break from posting on social media. Both intentionally and unintentionally.     Unintentionally, because at first I just didn’t feeling like sharing anything. And I didn’t want to be posting things online just for the sake of the number of likes I would get or of posting for posting’s sake. But then it became intentional, because I realized the reason I didn’t feel like sharing was because I didn’t LIKE what I was sharing. Or rather… I didn’t like that I was ONLY sharing my fine art photography. So I decided to take a step back [...]

By |2019-06-05T11:20:53-04:00June 5th, 2019|Personal Thoughts|0 Comments

The Hardest Year (or So) of My Life

I’ll admit it. There have been numerous occasions in the past where my blog has read less like a blog and more like my own personal journal (for which I will not apologize). And while I do enjoy being open and honest, I do still care that the things I share on here ARE actually things you want to read. Which is why, periodically, I like to ask you for suggestions on which topics I should write about.   Now, the particular topic that was suggested for today was something I was a little (lot) nervous to write about. But [...]

By |2019-04-29T00:03:02-04:00May 1st, 2019|Personal Thoughts|2 Comments

My Favorite Photos from 2018

With the year closing, I always like this chance we get to review everything that has transpired over the last twelve months. As part of this, I particularly enjoy going back through my work and picking out the pieces that were my very favorite to create. This week, I skimmed through my Instagram and Facebook pages (my unofficial portfolio) and picked out which images I loved the very most. Of course, I know the pieces that are my favorites are always different from yours, so once you look through what I’ve selected, leave a comment and tell me which images were [...]

By |2018-12-11T18:55:13-05:00December 11th, 2018|Personal Thoughts|0 Comments


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